More mental health support could be on the way for members of the Buffalo Police Department.

The Buffalo Common Council passed a resolution to expand services in next year’s budget. The measure would allow the department to hire a full time Mental Health Officer, who would provide confidential support and resources to other officers.

The resolution would also allow officers to take two to three paid mental health days off per year.

The council says it hopes the initiative will encourage officers to seek mental health care and help remove the stigma associated with asking for help.

"We are experiencing a mental health crisis within our police department,” said Councilmember Chris Scanlon. "We cannot stand idle while we love these valued members of our community and the department. We must be proactive in offering any and all assistance available. It is time to protect those who protect us."

Councilmembers say they would like to create a similar program for the city’s fire department in the future.