​​​NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. — ​North Tonawanda is getting $10 million as part of the state's downtown revitalization initiative.

The money will go to projects like expanding the Riviera Theatre, creating a public river walk and renovating several downtown buildings.

"Two hundred years ago, the construction of the Erie Canal put New York on the map as the Empire State, and today, we pay homage to this rich history by investing in North Tonawanda, the Gateway to the Erie Canal," Gov. Kathy Hochul said. "Through strategic investments in connecting waterways, enhancing the main commercial corridor, and expanding arts and cultural opportunities, North Tonawanda will attract locals and visitors from across the state for decades to come."   

A total of 14 projects will benefit from this funding.

"By investing in the downtown areas of our state's small cities, towns, and villages, we are bringing new life to communities and neighborhoods that are in need of an economic revival," Sen. Rob Ortt said. "The City of North Tonawanda has done a great job transforming its downtown since I first served as Mayor in 2010, and this $10 million will only help to bolster the commerce area of a city that is heading in the right direction. I look forward to seeing the positive impacts that come from this welcomed investment."

The goal of the downtown revitalization initiative is to transform those neighborhoods into areas with a high quality of life that pulls in business, job and housing opportunities.