SUNY Erie Community College has laid off a number of employees, citing a decline in enrollment and rising costs due to COVID-19. The layoffs were conducted last week.

In a letter to staff, Interim President William Reuter announced that some probationary employees were laid off effective September 25. Three administrative positions were eliminated, including executive president of institutional advancement, vice president of facilities, and security and vice president of enrollment management.

"Due to an almost 20 percent decline in enrollment from last fall, the increased costs of operating with COVID-19, and delays in state funding, we have reached the painful decision that it is necessary to make some staff reductions. At this point, we have notified many of our probationary employees that their employment is being terminated due to budgetary issues," Interim President William Reuter said in a statement.

"In addition, after reviewing our organizational structure to ensure we are providing and maintaining the best services for our students, we have reduced Senior Executive Staff by three full time positions. We will continue to evaluate the need for additional position reductions throughout the college should the budget situation warrant it. These decisions have not been made lightly but were necessary to ensure that we are able to maintain an appropriate level of support to our students within the fiscal resources available," the statement read.