Angeline Theodore came to Buffalo in May of 2010 and since then she hasn't been back home.
"I wish I could go back to visit but [I]m scared people will take advantage of me]," Theodore explained.
When the 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck 14 miles west of Haiti, it destroyed most of the capital city. It killed more than 200,000 people and left more than two million homeless. Theodore says the country still hasn't been rebuilt.
"I've been talking to my sister and she said nothing has changed and people are not working together to help stuff get back [to how it was]. Schools [are] still closed. To this day people going wild, but they still in the street. It's sad living in Haiti," she said.
Despite her fears, Theodore still wants to go back. She says wants to take her son to show him where he is from.
"I want him to see how a kind in Haiti live and how I am a survivor from all of this," stated Theodore.