Theresa DeLuca unpacks puzzles soon headed to the homes of local kids. It's how she spends her days, thinking of how to help people in need.

"When you see a need out there and you know you can do something about it, it's a tremendously heartwarming feeling," DeLuca said. "It makes a tremendous difference for the families."

DeLuca heads the adopt-a-family program for Child & Family Services in Buffalo. Through the generosity of others, they're able to bring happy holidays to underprivileged folks in the area, delivering gifts at Christmas time. 

"There is just overwhelming joy, often to point of tears, because the families can't believe the generosity of the community and how willing they are to do something so special for their family and they don't even know them," DeLuca said.

Teamwork makes it happen, and Sabres fans can lend a hand through the club's partnership with Child and Family Services, and Spectrum News. The Sabres' Holiday Angels program allows fans to give gifts to selected families or individuals. 

"What I've always enjoyed seeing how much the fans really seem to enjoy participating in it and it's that holiday spirit and the idea of going out and helping others and doing something for others," said Rich Jureller, Sabres vice president of community relations.

Last year, they were able to give presents to more than 300 families.

"And the nicest part is always after the fact to hear the impact that our fans made," Jureller said.

If you'd like to get involved, go online to to register and let them know how you can help. You'll then receive an email with details like age, gender, clothing sizes and wish lists. If you choose to adopt a family, you'll shop for each member of the house — kids and adults alike. 

You can drop off the unwrapped items the week of December 9-13 at Child and Family Services, 824 Delaware Avenue, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Or bring them on December 16 to Alumni Plaza outside KeyBank Center, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Beyond toys, clothes and gift cards, some families have even received beds, appliances and electronics over the years. It’s  another example of the City of Good Neighbors.

"We are so grateful to the Sabres and the Sabres fans because we know that any family we are working with that has a need, we're going to be able to meet that need," DeLuca said. "We know that this holiday season is going to be special to them."