Looking for an excuse for a night on the town? The spring edition of Local Restaurant Week begins Monday, with more than 220 locally-owned eateries offering dishes and specials starting at $20.19.

Western New York started taking part in the event 10 years ago. Since then, organizers said it's become the 5th-largest Restaurant Week concept in the country.

There are several new restaurants involved this time around, including the Eggsperience Restaurant in Kenmore.

"As new owners, we know it's already a popular location in the village but we thought it would be a great way to maybe bring in some other business who don't know about us in the surrounding areas," said Karen Kopti, Eggsperience’s owner.

"It's not to say that there's anything bad about a chain restaurant, they certainly have their place,” said Christa Hobart, coordinator for Local Restaurant Week. “But in Western New York, we have so many great local restaurants that are owned by your neighbors, your cousins, your friends, restaurants that have been around for generations and really are a piece of the fabric of Western New York."

Local Restaurant Week ends on Sunday, but if the calendar doesn’t allow an evening out this time around, fear not: there will be another one in the fall.