BUFFALO, N.Y. -- The flu is ramping up across the country and one question is, when should you barricade yourself inside for a few days, or head to see a professional?
Experts say if you have an underlying condition like asthma or heart issues or if the symptoms linger, get worse, or you have difficulty breathing, it's time to head to seek the anti-viral Tamiflu.
"It can help shorten the course by a day or two and help lessen the severity a little, so we really just reserve it for people who are at risk of becoming very, very ill, because otherwise people can usually recover by themselves," said Erie County Health Commissioner Dr. Gale Burstein.
That's important - anyone with flu-like symptoms is asked to contact their primary care doctors or walk into urgent care and stay out of an emergency department.
"The most common treatment frankly is just symptom support, like taking acetaminophen for fever. Ibuprofen for fever or muscle aches, keeping up with your fluids," said Dr. Kevin Shiley, medical director of Catholic Health's infection prevention and control department. "Most people with influenza in the community typically show signs of recovery within three to five days."
The Centers for Disease Control is monitoring how well hospitals are prepared to handle an influx of patients should the number of cases skyrocket. You're also asked to follow “respiratory etiquette" – wash your hands, cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, and dispose of tissues. It's also never too late to get your flu shot.