Two North Tonawanda high school students are being honored for their actions after stepping in to stop a fellow classmate from being bullied.

The incident was caught on video and circulated around social media, appearing to show a teenage girl being verbally and physically assaulted by other teenagers on the North Tonawanda High School football field.

Anthony Swan and Simon Griskonis intervened and broke it up - and even walked the girl home to make sure she got back safely.

The North Tonawanda Police Department, the mayor, and Niagara County District Attorney recognized the two young men at a ceremony.

The two say they did not expect it, and that they were simply doing the right thing.

But the city's police chief says the honor is much deserved.

"They didn't want the recognition but we feel they deserve it — it's not every day that we have somebody who goes to the assistance to help somebody else,” said Police Chief Thomas Krantz. “It's easier just to walk away and pretend it's not happening. For these two young men that wasn't the case.”

Swan and Griskonis say they hope this all sends a message that bullying should not be tolerated.