BUFFALO, N.Y. — Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown will recommend Douglas Development to the Buffalo Common Council and the Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency as the designated developer for 61 Lower Terrace in downtown.
Brown and Douglas Development announced plans for a nine-story, mixed-use development. The $42 million project will be located at I-190 & Skyway Interchange. Based on renderings from the developer, the new building will be constructed within the highway loop.
The announcement Wednesday is on the heels of Douglas Development’s investment in downtown Buffalo at Seneca One Tower. M&T Bank and Douglas Development are working on the Tech Hub at Seneca One, a modern workspace to help fuel the growing tech ecosystem in the region.
The goal is to bring residential and retail to the area around Seneca One. Brown said Douglas Jemal and Douglas Development are critical components to that development.
“Our goal is to make downtown Buffalo one of the most attractive places to live, work, play, and visit in all of the state of New York,” Brown said. “Yes we’re dreaming big, yes we’re being bold, and that’s the new Buffalo.”
Douglas Jemal’s Head Assistant Paul Millstein said the goal is to build 200 residential spaces on the current space at 61 Lower Terrace. The goal is to replace parking with 500 spaces, and bring a “blighted, underutilized corner brought back to life.”
Millstein said the project makes no financial sense on paper, but notes it’s about the long term investment to the city and community. He said the current spot does not have an official name, but it will be open in 24 months.
Buffalo Common Council President Darius Pridgen (D) said developers would not even consider the current space for development in years passed.
He called Douglas Development a group that believes in Buffalo and its future.
Millstein also confirmed the project will feature affordable housing components in the development.