A new Netflix show is turning up the heat on glass making. 10 glass makers go head to head on Blown Away. 




“Of course it's a competition reality show so there is some drama but the process of glass making provides enough drama,” said Eric Meek, a guest judge on the show’s last episode, “I think it really highlights that glass making takes a tremendous amount of skill, like it's difficult, even for these experts.”

Professionals put those glassmaking skills to the test, hoping not to crack under pressure.

“There was a lot of pressure to do things well, and not break things but of course we did break things, you’ll see it in the show. But I think that’s exciting about the process too,” said Catherine Ayers, who assisted one of the finalists on the show’s last episode.

In that final episode, you may see some familiar faces from Corning. Catherine Ayers, who is one of six that assisted one of the show’s two finalists, alongside other corning artists.

“It was very nerve wracking to help this person win this competition,” said Ayers, “but it was a lot of fun and once you got into the hot shop, once you started making things, and things were going well, it was just like a normal day.”

“To have these skilled artists right here in our home town, right here in Corning, NY, it's really an asset and to be highlighted on a worldwide stage, it's so exciting for me,” said Meek.

If you’re blown away and wonder if there will be a second season, that’s up to viewers.

“How many people watch this in the first month or so determines if they do a second season or not, so we’re hopeful for a second season,” said Meek.

Yet another chance to showcase what makes the Crystal City so unique.