RALEIGH, N.C. — A Raleigh woman just became the first ALS patient to complete 50 marathons in 50 states after finishing a marathon in Alaska in May.

What You Need To Know

  • A Raleigh ALS patient is making history

  • Andrea Peet, who has had ALS since 2014, just completed 50 marathons in 50 states

  • Peet is working on a documentary and memoir about her accomplishments

When we talked to Andrea Peet last August, she was preparing for marathon 36. In well under a year, she completed 14 more.

"It was more amazing than I ever thought possible," Peet said. “The day after my eighth anniversary with ALS, I completed my 50th marathon.”

Doctors told Peet she only had between two and five years to live after she was diagnosed in 2014.

"They know I'm an anomaly, and hopefully there are others out there who see my story an realize their life isn't over," Peet said.

Last August, Peet showed us how she uses Google technology to keep track of how ALS has affected her voice.

Nearly a year later, things have slowly gotten worse.

"As strong as I am, [I] can tell my voice is getting slower," Peet said.

But she says even with her legs continuing to weaken, her core remains strong. She needs to stay strong because she has a lot ahead.

“We're doing a documentary and I'm writing a memoir," Peet said. The working title for her book is "Hope Fights Back."

She hopes her story about completing 50 marathons with ALS will inspire others living with the same disease.

“I don't want fear to rule how I live my life, so I said of course I need to take on the craziest role I can think of, which was a marathon in all 50 states," Peet said.

Peet says she is already halfway through her memoir.

As for the documentary, she and her husband are hoping it reaches as many people as possible. And perhaps one day, they hope it will stream on a service like Netflix.