CARY, N.C. — A woman has been reunited with her parents after several weeks of uncertainty and fear.

What You Need To Know

Last week, Diana Medlin went into Ukraine in search of her parents

Ukraine Humanitarian Flights provided free air miles to Medlin for her trip to Ukraine and back

With the help of good Samaritans, it took Medlin's parents three days to travel from Donetsk to western Ukraine, where they finally reunited with their daughter

A Ukrainian American woman who lives in Cary risked her life to save her parents.

Diana Medlin says she was the only person who could save her 82-year-old parents from Russia's war in Ukraine so last week she packed her bags and went on a mission.

Medlin made her way into Ukraine by flying into Warsaw, Poland, first before getting to the Ukrainian border and eventually Lviv before reuniting with her parents.

“Stressful every time I called them. I was so happy they had internet. I can call you otherwise if something happens. I would never know if they're OK or not, so this was stressful, and I was crying sometimes, like I can't go there that far. No one will drive me there to pick them up," Medlin said.

Medlin says she was fortunate to get a ride to Lviv with another person looking for their family

With the help of good Samaritans, it took Medlin's parents three days to travel from Donetsk to western Ukraine, where they finally reunited with their daughter.

Medlin was able to fly to Ukraine and back for free with the help of a local organization called Ukraine Humanitarian Flights, which provides free miles to families hoping to reunite with loved ones fleeing the war in Ukraine.