LUMBERTON, N.C. -- An autopsy report released Wednesday provides additional information on Hania Aguilar's death, the Lumberton teen kidnapped back in November of last year.

Hania was snatched from the front yard of her mobile home on November 5 while waiting for her family to take her to school.

Michael Ray McLellan was charged in the case for forcing Aguilar into a green SUV and fleeing the scene.

The SUV was found a few days later, but Aguilar's body wasn't found until November 27.

According to the autopsy report, Aguilar's body was found naked, lying in a wooded area in water.

A tire and a broken plastic table were found piled on top of the body.

Authorities say her body had minimal evidence of trauma, but showed signs of sexual abuse.

Also according to the autopsy, the most likely cause of death is a form of suffocation.

McLellan was charged with first-degree murder, first-degree forcible rape and first-degree kidnapping.

He remains in jail without bond.

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