DURHAM -- Cerelyn Davis and Michael Smathers sat down with reporters on Wednesday ahead of a public forum later.

Both are looking to replace ousted former Police Chief Jose Lopez, who was forced to retire last year. Smathers is a Major with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. Davis is a Deputy Chief with the Atlanta Police Department. Both have decades of experience in law enforcement.

After giving a brief statement about their backgrounds and resumes, the candidates talked several key issues such as body cameras for officers, immigration, and reducing crime. One of the biggest issues facing Durham Police is the ongoing complaints of racial bias. Candidates explained how they would each tackle the issue.

"I will have anti-bias, implicit bias, cultural competency training during the entire tenure," said Smathers.

"You have to prick the minds and the hearts of those individuals that are carrying the guns and the badges," said Davis.

Both candidates welcome transparency and community involvement. But each has been connected to controversy. Davis was fired for her alleged involvement in a cover-up scandal. She was re-hired after her name was cleared.

"I was determined that truth would prevail, and it did prevail."

Smathers called for a former, fellow, white officer to be charged for shooting and killing an unarmed black man.

"I'm going to follow the facts wherever those facts lead and that I'm willing and capable of making those very, very hard decisions."

City Manager Tom Bonfield hopes to make a hire by the end of April and have the new chief in place as early as May.