RALEIGH -- While Santa is getting ready to stock his sled, members from the Turning Point Motorcycle Club are stuffing the trailer.

“We started with the goal of filling up one trailer with toys and over the eight years it's progressed to what you see now,” said Keith Triggs, founder of Turning Point Motorcycle Club.

They’re getting ready for an extra special delivery to a handful of Raleigh neighborhoods by handing out toys, games and bikes to children in need to make their Christmas dreams come true.

“We have a convoy of motorcycles that lead [to] the trailer. It’s kind of like Rudolph and Santa Claus where we lead the trailers.  Then we get off of our bikes, knock on every door and give every kid that comes out a toy,” said Triggs.

For exactly one week, the club has been living in a camper parked on the Food Lion parking lot. They’ve been accepting toys around the clock to make the drop off as easy as possible for everyone’s schedule.

“Everyone has different schedules. We just wanted to give everyone the opportunity to give back to the community so we stay out here 24 hours,” said James Shufford.

The effort started eight years ago with the Turning Point Motorcycle Club. Now nearly two dozen motorcycle clubs in the 919 area are on board. They’ve filled three trailers to the brim.

“[I enjoy] the gratitude of the kids and the gratitude of the parents. Giving them something and knowing they're appreciative of it. Sometimes the parent might cry. It makes it all worth it and the appreciation of it,” Triggs said.

They’re hoping to share their love of biking with the kids.

“We want to get kids out of the house and off the couch and make them active again,” said Triggs.

Toys will be distributed on Christmas Eve to the communities of Washington Terrace, Raleigh North, Heritage Park and Green Road Townhomes.