RALEIGH- There were some tense moments for a Raleigh man walking his Boxer last Wednesday, when they were followed and surrounded by three coyotes.

Police say the man was walking in Schneck Forest off of Reedy Creek Road when his dog's behavior alerted him to three coyotes in the area. 

The man turned around and began walking away, but the coyotes followed and surrounded them. 

The coyotes forced the man into an elevated manhole, where he called 911. 

Raleigh Police, NC State University Police, and Animal Control followed the trails to locate the man and his dog.

Two officers began to escort the man and his dog of the woods when the coyotes began following and surrounding the group. The coyotes did not follow them once they exited the woods.

Wildlife officials say coyotes might mistake small dogs and cats for prey and could view large dogs as threats to their territory or pups.

Tips for coexisting with coyotes provided by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission can be seen here.