RALEIGH, N.C.—As temperatures continue to rise, a Wake Co. organization is making sure families stay cool by giving away fans and air conditioning units.
The Helping Hand Mission of Raleigh has already given out 700 fans in 2015 and it can’t keep them on the shelves.
"Daily, there's phone calls, people are walking in, saying that they have no way to cool off,” said volunteer Heather Richardson.
Helping Hand Mission volunteers have distributed more than 10,000 fans in 12-years and director Sylvia Wiggins said the need is still great in the community.
"You just won't believe how people are suffering right here at home, locally. People just need little things that make a difference. Just a little air blowing, a little support really makes a big difference in their life,” said Wiggins.
Wiggins said the community can lend a helping hand by donating a fan.
"Get on board and partner with us and help families that are in need,” said Wiggins.
Anyone in need of a free fan or would like to donate a fan or air conditioning unit, click here.