DURHAM -- In Krzyzewskiville, Duke University students camp out for a chance to buy tickets to see their team take on rival UNC. 

Many say there were too young to remember Dean Smith's coaching days, but they are well aware of his accomplishments. 
"He's coached a lot of greats, like Michael Jordan, James Worthy. So his past is a pretty big impact on the college basketball community and basketball in general," said Duke student Alan Kong.

Rachel Thompson's mom attended UNC. While Rachel attends rival Duke, she says she's born and raised a Tar Heel.

"My mom used to go to the games and stuff, and she told me how much that atmosphere was like just screaming for Dean Smith, just like we have an atmosphere for Coach K," said Thompson.

"He was the one that broke a lot or helped break a lot of the race barriers when it came to basketball, because he accepted a lot of black players at UNC, so he was definitely big deal to me," said Duke employee Jeremiah Horne. 

Dean Smith also commanded the respect of rival fans at NC State.

"I never had a chance to meet him, but it seems like most great coaches are also great men, men of faith, men of family," said NC State student Macon Boyce.

Andrew Schnell remembers some of the 90s UNC teams. He calls Smith a legendary coach and the architect of Tobacco Road basketball. 

Schnell says many residents of the Triangle know about Smith and his legacy.

"Basketball is in everyone's life-blood around here. So if you like college basketball you know who he is whether you're 12 or 40," said Schnell.