WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — The United States Postal Service is working to keep mail carriers and pets safe through a Dog Bite Awareness campaign.
Last year, dog attacks on postal service employees rose to more than 5,800 cases in the U.S.
Mike Stewart, a mail carrier in Winston-Salem, said he's been bitten three times in nearly 30 years of service.
"A rottweiler came through the glass door at me, then the front door was open," Stewart said. "The storm door was closed, but that Rottweiler never slowed down. And he went right through the glass. And when he came out the door, I was already hoofing it towards my Jeep. And I got in there just in the nick of time."
In North Carolina, carriers reported 185 dog bites last year. That's nearly 40 more incidents than in 2022, with 146 bites reported.
Stewart said he just wants everybody to be safe.
“Any dog could be friendly with everyone else," he said. "But when they see the mailman on their territory, they get a little defensive."
Winston-Salem reported 11 dog bites, the second highest in North Carolina. Greensboro reported three dog bite incidents.
Experts said securing dogs before the carrier approaches your property can minimize any potentially dangerous interactions.