LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Majority Caucus Chair Councilwomen Paula McCraney is on tour.

Saturday, her and fellow majority caucus members participated in a special tour of affordable housing in Louisville.

After McCraney was elected chair in January, she implemented the tours to allow the council to gain insight on districts, and learn more about city wide projects, programs and more.

What You Need To Know

  • The tour took a look at Louisville’s affordable housing trust fund’s investments

  • Participants rode the TARC bus from site to site

  • The Eclipse development will bring 280 units

  • Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg has a goal to build 15,000 affordable housing units in his first term

“I just love this,” said McCraney. “In January, when it came to me that we needed to get out of the office and start looking at some of the things that we fund. It only makes sense that we understand projects that come to us and the major players in this community are doing great things.”

Saturday’s tour took a look at Louisville’s affordable housing trust fund’s investments.

Participants rode the TARC bus from site to site.

They not only saw current affordable housing, but got a glimpse at what’s coming to the Russel neighborhood.

The Eclipse development will bring 280 units. The $75 million investment will transform the neighborhood and offer affordable and mixed income housing.

“Phenomenal the investment they have made. And it is so wonderful to see that these projects are in the development stages,” said McCraney. “A lot of people will benefit from these projects.”

Since January, the city has dedicated more than $37 million to help make housing available for everyone.

Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg, D-Louisville, has a goal to build 15,000 affordable housing units in his first term.

Currently, Louisville is facing a shortage in affordable housing. However, city government, developers and McCraney are actively pushing for quality places for everyone to live.