GREENSBORO, N.C. – A virtual church service in North Carolina was disrupted Sunday morning by people posting racial slurs and pornographic images.  

Dr. Nicholas Glenn, minister at Sharpe Road Church of Christ in Greensboro, says a little over halfway through the service a small group joined their Zoom broadcast posting disturbing comments.

He says once they entered the chat box, it was like rapid fire, so he had to stop the broadcast immediately.

Glenn says over 100 people were watching this service and are feeling the impact.

“There's a lot of hurt, some anger, and some frustration because it just seems like the same old story over and over again. You know, at some point you just get tired,” Glenn emphasizes.

Glenn says Zoom responded to his complaint and told him it was able to trace the people who disrupted their service and removed them from having access to the platform.

The Guilford County Sheriff's Office will be monitoring the next service and is investigating the incident.