WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- It's been more than a week of virtual learning across the state and some parents may feel like they need extra support.
Now, a local museum and science center is addressing that need with several programs. Kaleideum Museum and Science Center is offering several remote learning support programs for pre-school through eighth grade kids.
It has one full-day option from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for children to go through the entire school day and then transition to enrichment activities.There is also an afternoon camp option focused on STEM and art.
Another option specifically for pre-schoolers allows kids to spend half the day doing age-appropriate activities. Museum leaders say they feel like they're fulfilling a need in the community.
"We understand that families are having to make some really hard choices and really get a hot of their questions answered to make sure they are doing the right thing for their family at this time and we want to be there to support you as you make the best decision for family," Kaleideum Executive Director Elizabeth Dampier said.
Kaleideum has the capacity to serve 140 kids per day.