NORTH CAROLINA — After six months away from nursing, one brave North Carolininan is getting back on the job and heading to an area decimated by COVID-19.

Kayla Cummins will work in the emergency department of a New York hospital. She’ll be offering support for 10 weeks to hospitals short of staff.

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How I feel one minute about my decision and then how I feel the next 😩 . . . I have accepted a travel position in a New York Emergency Department . . It took me 72 hours to decide to reach out to a recruiter once I saw the crisis posts going around ... I went back and forth on if any ED would even want a nurse that has been out of the hospital for 6 months as my last assignment ended in September. I had so many doubts on if this was a good decision or not, but the one thing I knew for sure was that I couldn’t sit on my butt at home while my comfy medspa was shut down and not help ... so I applied . . I received an offer, signed my contract, and have started to sort through all of my feelings about heading into the worst place to be in the country right now. I am not afraid, but I am anxious. I’m not sure what life will look like for the next little bit, but I 100% believe that God is telling me to go. He prepared it TOO perfectly. I have been licensed in NY since last year as my current job wanted me ready to go for them ... but I never went. I know now the purpose of having this license that I have yet to use. . . I’m hesitant to even announce this right now before I am actually up there as things are changing daily with their hospitals and staffing needs, but I am posting this to say that I am BEGGING for masks. I know everyone is running low, but I have heard horrors of the nurses in NY not having ANY N95s. If you are able to give me any at all so that I can protect myself as best as possible I wear a small and will pay to have them shipped to me. . . Please feel free to share my plea for masks. I promise that no matter what they will get to the nurses that need them! . I thank you in advance for your prayers and I also thank you for refraining from attempting to change my mind about this. 💕 #ernurse #covıd19 #newyork #emergencymedicine

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“I just wanted to go and help out,” Cummins said. “I love emergency medicine and any type of disaster relief. It's really fun for me. I love being able to help the people that really need it.”

Cummins leaves for New York on Sunday.