WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.-- A group in Winston-Salem continues to fight for mandatory African American history classes in the district.
- Hate Out of Winston is using social media to raise awareness about classes regarding African American history
- The group plans to canvass neighborhoods to raise awareness
- The group is also working with the LatinX community to spread its message
School board members voted against the proposed class last month.
"Hate Out of Winston" is using social media and canvassing events to spread its message. Members say it's a continuous effort to build up African American communities.
“A lot of time we hear the language, ‘what about all children?’ but the fact of the matter is not all children are failing the way African American children are failing sitting in some of these schools,” said Miranda Jones, teacher activist. "And in fact, the way African American kids are failing across the country.”
The group is also working with the LatinX community to spread its message.
“I see a lot of wavelengths for not having the curriculums needed for our students,” said Gary Robinson, English teacher for North Forsyth High School. “So, it shows in the behavior, it shows in the attendance, it shows in the engagement in classes.”
The group plans to canvass neighborhoods on Saturday to create awareness.