BURLINGTON, N.C. — Ronnie Cates Jr. was the first child to ever ride the Burlington Carousel 75 years ago.
- Ronnie Cates was the first child to ride the Burlington Carousel
- The carousel has been closed for restoration since 2019
- Cates and his family still go to the carousel
His father, Ronnie Cates Sr., was the recreation director for Burlington in 1948 when he rode the carousel.
Cates still has the picture of his dad riding the carousel.
“On that same night, my mom was there, I was 6 months old and she held me in her arms and they say, I was the first child I to ever ride the hobby horses at this park,” Cates Jr. said.
Although, he was the first child, he doesn’t remember a thing.
“I was 6 months old, I don’t remember nothing about it, but it was an honor when they called and asked me to be one of the first riders when they reopened up,” Cates said.
The Burlington Carousel is a Tar Heel treasure to this family because of their family's deep ties to it.
“I’ll be 75 in March, so it's just good to even be here and get to see this restoration project, It's just absolutely beautiful to me from what it used to be,” Cates said.
The carousel is truly special and one of a kind, according to Cates.
“You know, no one will ever make this anymore, you know, because of the technology and things of today. And the kids are so into phones and internet, but every kid needs to come out and ride this because it's something they'll remember the rest of your life,” Cates said.
Cates' favorite part is seeing the smiles it puts on peoples' faces as they go around the carousel.