The King High School Football team is out on the field for the first practice of a new week. But the feeling out here today is unlike any other. That’s because last Friday the Lions won the school’s first district title in 41 years.

" I’ve probably answered over 400 text messages since Friday night, said Coach Dave Sevier, who's phone actually broke because of so many messages over the weekend.

Dave Sevier had been the defensive coordinator at King and this past summer, took over as head coach. This season the Lions started out 0-5.but instead of quit, there was a refocus, the Lions goal was still in reach.

The Lions turned their season around, going unbeaten in the district to capture the first title in more then four decades. They also qualified for the playoffs for the first time since 2002.

Coach Sev couldn't be more proud. "For them to finally perform, I think it really lifted a big weight off their shoulders and they were actually happy to find some success".

Now it's on to the post season for the Lions