BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. — Brevard County leaders are pitching in $25 million to move up construction on what has been this past decade’s top transportation priority for the Space Coast.

What You Need To Know

  • Brevard County leaders are pitching in $25 million to fill in a funding gap on a project to widen Ellis Road

  • The congested road could expand from John Rodes Boulevard to west of Wickham

  • The $62 million project aims to provide a safer, more efficient route for Melbourne's aerospace workers and travelers

  • If state lawmakers approve the project as part of the budget, construction could start in 2026

Traffic on Ellis Road picked up after the Interstate 95 interchange opened up in 2020, making the road a gateway for many of Melbourne’s 20,000 aerospace employees and a half-million travelers at Melbourne Orlando International Airport.

The problem for them, and for Leslie Wiedenhoeft, is the stretch of Ellis Road from I-95 to Wickham Road is only two lanes, leading to big backups during that afternoon commute.

“If it was me planning, I probably would have widened Ellis,” she said. “Make it double lanes before putting in the ramp because this road just isn't equipped to handle that kind of traffic.”

Wiedenhoeft has to be careful pulling out of her store, The Mud Place, which is located off Ellis Road. A car flipped right in front of her, trying to make the same move.

“I fear for my life,” she said.

Widening is planned for Ellis Road, but until recently, the project faced a $25 million expense gap.

The total cost for the project is $62 million.

Brevard County, the Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization, the Florida Department of Transportation and the cities of Melbourne and West Melbourne pulled together the funds needed to fill that gap.

It’s now included in FDOT’s tentative five-year work program, which will need approval by state lawmakers during the budget process.

If approved by state lawmakers, construction could start in 2026.