NORTH CAROLINA -- Damage caused by Tropical Storm Isaias has left hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians without power. 

As of 8:30 p.m., there are over 44,000 power outages around the state with most being in New Hanover County, according to North Carolina Department of Public Safety.

Utility Companies:

In a statement, Duke Energy says they are focused on restoring power "in a sequence that enables power restoration to public health and safety facilities and to the greatest number of customers as safely and quickly as possible."

The statement also outlined Duke Energy's "sequence of activities":

  1. Public safety situations (locating downed power lines and ensuring electricity is no longer flowing through the wires)
  2. Transmission, substation equipment, and main distribution lines
  3. Essential facilities, such as hospitals, law enforcement, fire departments, etc.
  4. Distribution lines

The company says that even during non-pandemic times, it is difficult for crews to restore power, and they are working to address the challenges the current pandemic presents. 

The company says repair crews will be wearing face coverings when social distancing cannot be maintained. Duke also says work practices are being modified to reduce interactions.

Check to here see the latest power outages in your area.

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