CLEVELAND — It's Thursday, July 21, the final day of the Republican National Convention. The theme? “Make America One Again.”

The main program begins at 7:30 p.m. and closes with the acceptance speech by candidate Donald Trump. Both Donald and Ivanka, his daughter, are slated to speak.

Some of Wednesday's Highlights:

  • Mike Pence accepted the GOP nomination for vice president, but it was Cruz who grabbed the headlines when he implored Americans to "vote their conscience" in lieu of endorsing Trump.
  • Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick called on Texas delegates to "get on board" with Trump.
  • Trump refused to accept the resignation of the staffer who wrote Melania Trump's Day 2 speech. 

Stories We're Following: 

  • Can Donald Trump put the fractured GOP back together again?
  • How angry are delegates after Ted Cruz wouldn’t endorse Trump?
  • Will Trump go off script in his acceptance speech?

List of Scheduled Speakers:

  • Brock Mealer, Motivational Speaker, Car Crash Survivor
  • U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee-District 7
  • Oklamhoma Gov. Mary Fallin
  • Dr. Lisa Shin, National Diversity Coalition for Trump
  • Reince Priebus, Chairman of National Republican Party
  • Jerry Falwell Jr., President of Liberty University
  • Peter Thiel, Venture Capitalist, Hedge Fund Manager, Co-founder of PayPal
  • Tom Barrack, CEO of Colony Capital
  • Ivanka Trump, second of Donald Trump’s five children and executive vice president of the Trump Organization.