NEWPORT, N.C. - The smell of freshly cut grass mixed with the sound of baseball bats hitting their targets Saturday morning, as the first day of little league baseball officially started in Newport. 

Bradley DeLuzio, 12, was excited to start his last year as a little league player. 

"It's the next step to going to middle school and high school ball," said DeLuzio. 

While he's planning on finishing out his last year on the field, so are the stadium's lights. 

"These things were put in back in the 1970s, so they have been here a long time," said Jonathan Mason, a parent and coach for Newport Little League. 

"They're using old shop lights, I mean it's what they had at the time, they're in disrepair. We've done everything we can with them, this is probably the last year we'll be able to do anything with them,” said Mason.

The lights are essential for night games, which are typically played by the older kids, like Bradley DeLuzio.  

"Not all of it's illuminated, so it's kind of hard to see the ball sometimes...Especially on the left field and right field lines, it's hard," said DeLuzio. 

Parent Darrell Howell said the old lights are in such bad shape, he worries about his son playing on the field at night. 

"Last year, during fall ball, my son was actually on the field batting. It was so dark, I was scared of him being out here. I almost pulled my kid off the field, and I don't want that to happen to any other kids," said Howell. 

It is why the league is asking for the community's help to buy new lights. Fundraising coordinator and board member Rick Smith said new lights will cost about $70,000. 

"We've ordered new bulbs in here, to hopefully get us through this season," said Smith.

"We're going to try very hard. We are managing and we are trying, to do the very best we can, but there's a possibility we might not even have night games,” said Smith.

Without night games, it means some kids might not get to play, since Newport Little League only has one field, and 160 players who need to share it. 

"We don't want to cut into their time, because they're out here, they're working hard, practicing, they need to be out here to be able to play," said Mason. 

The league has raised about $15,000 so far, but they've still got a long way to go. 

"Our goal is to have new lights up in this stadium before next season," said Smith. 

To donate to the Newport Little League's light fund, mail a check to:

Newport Little League
PO Box 668
Newport, NC 28570

Donations can be made online here or stop by the Newport Little League baseball field on Howard Blvd. during games on Saturdays.