CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. — The traditional cleaning and inspecting of Marine Corps barracks rooms on Camp Lejeune is back to normal after changes had to be made over the course of the last year.

Second Transportation Battalion Corporal Jaylen Feliciano says the task of checking means more than just having clean rooms.

“I believe it builds you overall. Not just as a man, but your individual character right? How you do anything is how you do everything,” Feliciano said.


What You Need To Know

Marines on Camp Lejeune back to complete field day cleaning and inspections

COVID-19 restrictions changed how barracks rooms were inspected

Second Transportation Battalion has their field day cleaning on Thursdays


Over the past year, COVID-19 restrictions left many Marines on quarantine inside their barracks rooms. Because of that, the field day cleaning and the inspection process came to a halt.

“We don't want to spread coronavirus, we want to eliminate that and try to put a stop to that as much as we can, as far as that so we have Marines not getting field day to where they would let their rooms go on for days with trash, if they're on isolation they can't take out their trash,” Feliciano said.

Feliciano says the goal is to ensure the characteristics that were instilled in Marines from the beginning of their enlistment don't disappear.

“We're trying to make sure that what was instilled in them has not gone away too far,” Feliciano said.

He looks forward to continuing to use field day as a learning lesson for the younger Marines.

“My goal and my expectation for myself, that I set for myself, is to pass that knowledge down. My expectations for my Marines under me is to pass that knowledge down to the Marines under them,” he said.

Second Transportation Battalion has their field day every Thursday afternoon.