BUFFALO, N.Y. -- In some ways, it feels like vindication for former Erie County Deputy District Attorney Mark Sacha.

"I fought it and I kept on fighting it and hopefully this is the first step in something good happening," he said.

About eight years ago, Sacha wrote a formal letter calling for a special grand jury to investigate individuals, including political operative Steve Pigeon.

"The way we looked at it, the way I was trained to do it, you don't get a special grand jury until you pretty much have an idea that you have evidence enough to go forward," he said.

But Sacha's bosses, former district attorneys Frank Clark and Frank Sedita, didn't move forward and after publicly criticizing the office for not prosecuting Pigeon for election law violations, he was fired.

"Ethics are important. DA's are important," he said. "Prosecutors are important and they need to be above this kind of garbage."

Now a district attorney candidate, Sacha got his first bit of vindication last May when federal agents executed search warrants at three homes, including Pigeon's, in connection with a campaign finance complaint. He said he was concerned as months passed and few details emerged.

"These investigations can't be this slow," Sacha said. "They can't drag on for years because justice that's delayed is justice that's denied."

A source said Monday that Attorney General Eric Schneiderman impaneled a special grand jury for the case. The investigation appears to have grown although the full scope remains unclear. A different source confirmed investigators questioned a local judge surrounding whether Pigeon was asked or offered to help his relative get a job.

"I'd like to see the emails about my investigation," Sacha said. "I'm sure these emails are on Pigeon's computer and I'm sure there are emails on there about other malfeasance."

He said he hopes the grand jury votes to indict someone so the process can finally play out publicly.

"I'm excited. I hope that - I expect that this is a positive development," he said.

Attorneys for Pigeon will not comment on the case nor will the Attorney General's Office.