CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A series showcasing Latin American films is giving attendees a glimpse of the art and culture of those countries, as Hispanic Heritage Month begins. 

What You Need To Know

  • A film series called Cine Casual brings Latin American movies to Charlotte

  • The Cine Casual Film Series will end Saturday 

  • The series pairs other activities with the screenings 

The Cine Casual Film Series brings movies to Charlotte that would not be seen in the area otherwise. 

Puerto Rican Giovanna Torres and her Colombian husband Alexander Piñeres are behind the series, which started in 2020.

“It’s gratifying because there are not a lot of places around the city with this type of programming,” Torres said. 

They’re not in the movie industry, but they love films.

“It’s not my project, my film series. It’s Charlotte’s film series,” Torres said. 

The screenings are usually paired with a social activity. For the debut of the series, a Brazilian film was paired with food and drinks beforehand and a drum circle afterward.

“It feels like family, and that’s what we want to generate with the film series,” Torres said. 

This year, there are seven screenings, and one featured North Carolina films, made by or starring Latino talent. 

Oscar Tobón has been a regular since the series started. 

“It’s a good option to watch good movies that you wouldn’t be able to watch any other way,” Tobón said.

Attendee Frankie Day was excited to watch movies she may would have never been exposed to otherwise. 

“It’s been really enriching and interesting to be able to see how people with different backgrounds make cinema and tell stories,” Day said. 

Beyond the films, Torres also sees it as an opportunity to build community. 

“I think it’s a good way to bring together different communities. As you have been able to see it’s not only the Latin American community. We have a little bit of everything,” Torres said. 

Torres said research, communication with production companies and distributors and grants bring the films to the Carolinas. 

There are two remaining ticketed screenings left in the series on Friday and Saturday. 

In the Triangle area, there is another film festival this time of the year. The North Carolina Latin American Film Festival takes place from Sept. 29 through Oct. 17.