CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — A high school junior is making history as the first girl to ever play on the varsity football team at Chapel Hill High School.

Brooklyn Harker has been playing her favorite sport, football, since she was in the third grade. She says being the only girl on the team is not a big deal to her.

"It's not something I ever think about," Harker said. "It's a bunch of high schoolers, so of course you're going to be nervous, like with any sport. So I went in, I did my thing and then left. I just did that every day and then eventually, I started building relationships with my friends, and now I feel like family with my teammates."

Harker plays as a free safety, wide receiver, and kick return blocker. 

She says the highlight of her season was getting an interception against East Chapel Hill High School and gaining 15 to 20 yards.

"My whole team was hyped up on the sideline, and that kind of stuff, that keeps me going because without them none of this would have been possible," Harker said.

Harker keeps herself busy with sports every season. In addition to football, she plays basketball, soccer, lacrosse and does fencing. 

She says her dream college is the University of Notre Dame.