CHARLOTTE, N.C. — For those experiencing homelessness — or those formerly incarcerated — simple things like getting a driver’s license or Social Security card to apply for jobs or assistance can turn into a major hurdle.

What You Need To Know

  • Jessica Gibson founded the Just Do It Movement

  • She helps people in need get identifying documents they may have lost in transition

  • These documents include IDs, Social Security cards and birth certificates

It’s those hurdles that a Charlotte woman is trying to help people overcome.

Jessica Gibson started a nonprofit called the Just Do It Movement.

She tries to meet people where they are and helps them navigate the process of applying for these documents.

After working at a local women’s shelter, she said she noticed how many people didn’t have these identifying documents and how it was a challenge to get.

"With people moving from place to place, they will lose their IDs, Social Security cards, their birth certificates, so when those housing opportunities are presented to them, you can’t take advantage of those opportunities,” she said."With people moving from place to place, they will lose their IDs, Social Security cards, their birth certificates, so when those housing opportunities are presented to them, you can’t take advantage of those opportunities,” she said.

She also pays for the cost of applying for all of these documents, which can be a barrier for people.

She works with up to 20 clients a week, all while going to cosmetology school full time.

“It’s always been in my heart to bring solutions to the community and not just not talk about it and complain about it,” she said.

She’s helped a lot of people so far.

One person is Kemuel, who didn’t want to use his full name.

He says he was incarcerated for more than 18 years, and didn’t know how to navigate the process of getting a copy of his birth certificate.

“Trying to apply for those documents alone would have been chaotic,” he said.

Now, he works as a peer support specialist.

Gibson is partnering with several other community organizations to host a Day of Impact on April 24.

People experiencing homelessness can get free haircuts, makeup, food and massages.

It’s happening from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Just For You Barber School.