GREENSBORO, N.C. — The first ever LGBTQ Center in downtown Greensboro has reopened after being closed for over a year.
The center moved to its new location on Greene Street in January 2020 and shortly after its opening, it had to shut down due to COVID-19.
Now, the center is open and is currently providing resources and programs on a broad range of topics such as; health care, knowing your legal rights, self-advocacy, aging and transgender issues.
Executive Director for Guilford Green Foundation and the LGBTQ Center, Jennifer Ruppe, said it's great to have everyone back in the building.
“For a lot of people, the community center, the LGBTQ center, might be the only place where they feel affirmed and safe in their identity or where they turn to for resources. So, to not be able to access that space during the pandemic, was difficult for a lot of people," Ruppe said.
That was the case for Sophie Carson and her boyfriend James Kirland. The two are high school students in Guilford County and are both part of the youth programming at the LGBTQ Center.
They feel as if the center is one of the only places they can be themselves without being bullied.
“I’m the president of my schools GSA, the gay straight alliance, so I’m very out at my school and they are a lot of snide comments," Carson said.
“I did get death threats for coming out as a trans man at my school," Kirklanded added.
Carson adds if you are apart of the LGBTQ community and you're looking for a welcoming community, the center is the place to be.
"Being in a space surrounded by queer people is really freeing and comfortable," Carson said.
The center is 2,000 square feet, and consists of a lounge, meeting spaces, resource library and a transgender clothing closet. It is open Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Currently, the center is looking for donations for "Give Out Day", which is a national online giving day for LGBTQ centers. The money goes towards youth programs and social events, promoting the physical and mental health of the LGBTQ youth.
To donate, you can text GGF to 44-321 to support their mission for pride moth. For more information, you can visit the website.