CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the movie experience is providing private movie screenings.

VisArt Video used to be a rental store but in order to keep their doors open, it transitioned into a nonprofit organization in the beginning of 2020 before the pandemic started.


What You Need To Know

  • VisArt Video is renting a small theater for small groups

  • VisArt Video makes the movie experience personalized for those renting microcinema

  • The micro cinema experience is used as a fundraising tool

The film and video archive is renting their microcinema to smaller groups as a way to raise funds.

VisArt Video Creative Director Kathryn Gantt, who works at VisArt Video part time, dresses up as an usherette for the movie experience. Her character is named VisArt Vivian.

“I thought it would be really cool to dress up like a hostess or an usherette and wait on people as they came to our microcinema,”
 Gantt said.

Those renting the small theater have the option of bringing their own food or order food from nearby restaurants.

Executive Director Gina Stewart said before the pandemic, the small theater was used by larger groups.

“It’s inspired by COVID. I'll say that. We feel the need to do. People miss going to the movies and I do understand that not everyone feels safe going to a large movie theater,” Stewart said.

She said the microcinema is vital for fundraising and reaching out to the community.

“I'm not sure that we will survive without it. I think it's a valuable tool for us,” Stewart said.

The movie experience is catered to the person renting the small theater.


Violet Carl’s family rented out the microcinema for her 10th birthday. They watched a horror movie together while enjoying pizza they brought in. VisArt video staff gave them popcorn and soda while they were in the small theater.

“This is really cool. I’ve never done something so cozy,” Carl said.

Gantt looks forward to helping one of her favorite places in Charlotte thrive.

“I can plant that seed, if I can keep that alive and make that magic happen, visually then…I'm all about it,” Gantt said.

The microcinema will be upgraded, thanks to a grant from Charlotte Center City Partners and Honeywell.

For more information, click here.