GARNER, N.C. — Some dentists are working to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to their office to help improve vaccination access and dental health.
Dr. Irina Jorgenson works for Riccobene Associates Family Dentistry. She said she is one of the dentists who wants to give the vaccine from the office, if they can get a consistent number of doses.
"My concern has been the fact that some people are reluctant to come in, and they desperately need dental care," Jorgenson said. "So, now a year since the shutdown happened - since the COVID happened - some people are coming back in, and they have really severe problems, and that's what worries me the most."
Jorgenson hopes that if they offer the vaccine in the office, people will be more comfortable with returning.
"It is my responsibility to help the community as well. So, if I can do it with providing the vaccine as well as taking care of the dental health, I'm more than happy to do so," Jorgenson said.
Governor Cooper signed Executive Order 193 in February, expanding who could administer the vaccine. Shortly after, the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners released requirements for dentists giving the shot.
Jorgenson says although she never thought she would be giving vaccines, she is prepared to do so.
"I'm already comfortable with providing injections, and in multiple sites," Jorgenson said. "I have had training in IV sedation. I have done years of injections intraorally. I also know how to do intramuscular injections."
Jorgenson said Riccobene Associates is working to make sure they have a consistent supply to make sure scheduling and vaccination distribution is dependable.