CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Big Ben Pub is changing locations after 10 years.

The pub made the move Sunday, after the building owners of the previous location failed to renew their lease. The new location is the old Carpe Diem restaurant.

With an MLS team coming to Charlotte next year, Neel Gandhi, one of the owners, says he hopes this move will create a new crowd.

“We’ll continue to be that soccer destination with MLS coming next year, Charlotte independence. I think we can do both, we can do English premiere and MLS and really be that soccer headquarters for Charlotte,” Gandhi says.

Customers don’t have to worry, all the drinks and food will stay the same. They’re just adding a few new touches with the extra space.

“There’s going to be a lot of changes, but we’re still going to have that English flair, the fish and chips will remain the same. We’re doubling the size. The kitchen is a lot bigger, so it gives us the opportunity to be more creative,” Gandhi says.

One of the most important things Gandhi wanted to make sure stays the same is his staff.

“Trying to keep the staff, the kitchen, bartenders, servers, we want to keep those guys around. So they’re going to come with us to our new location,” Gandhi says.

Opening day is slated for late April or early May.

You can expect job openings. They’ll need bartenders, servers, and kitchen staff at the new location.