NATIONAL – The topic of women’s reproductive rights is always a hot button issue. But one doctor thinks too much attention is paid to the subject of abortion, rather than women’s contraceptives.

Dr. Lauren Streitcher is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University. A leader in her field, she knows these sensitive issues first hand.

With a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, Streicher worries that some aspects of womens health may be at risk.

“Many people focus on the right for a woman to terminate a pregnancy, to have an abortion, and certainly that is a piece of reproductive rights, but it is not the whole picture,” said Dr. Streicher. I don’t think condoms are ever going to disappear, but we talking about our contraceptive options that quite frankly the ones that work the best- starting with intrauterine devices, implantables. Those are the ones we are most concerned about disappearing. And of course, hormonal contraception and birth control pills.”

Streicher doesn’t have crystal ball to see into what lies ahead, but she’s hopeful healthcare is accessible to all women going forward.