CHARLOTTE, N.C. – This presidential election is one that many are calling historic, and it’s something even kids want to take part in.

Six-year-old Tyson Latten can’t actually vote in this year’s election, so he came up with a loophole.

“He said, 'how do you make decisions about school and we’re the ones in school', and so he said, 'you know I should make a voting booth,'" says his mom Alicia Jones.

Jones says her son came up with this idea a few weeks ago and so she decided to help him fulfill his wish.

“He just wanted people to know that kids voting mattered too because he saw on the news that they were making so many decisions about the school system and things that would affect them in the future and he didn’t understand why he couldn’t vote," she says.  

Latten and his mom printed out pictures of this year’s presidential candidates and from there students would come up, pick a picture and then cast their ballot.

Parents like Sherita Williams were out supporting and really love the idea of this voting booth.

“It lets them know that their voice does matter and besides just taking them with us to vote and they get in and not really understand the process…they can pick who they want here," she says.  

One day Latten and his classmates will be able to exercise their right to vote, but until then, his mom hopes this small gesture shows that her son and other students do have a voice.

“I want adults to realize that they have to listen to the kids and like Tyson says, even though you have difference of opinions, you can still be friends," says Jones.