GASTON COUNTY, N.C. -- A Gastonia gym deemed essential reopened on Friday with new rules.
Hollywood Fit offers prepared meal plan service, supplements, and personalized workout plans.
Gym owner Darron Glenn now requires everyone to wear masks, fill out questionnaires related to COVID-19 exposure, have their temperature taken, and clean equipment more often.
"Every day is going to be done. It's not a one-time thing. I'm going to keep that stuff in place. That's what going to be a difference maker, making sure this facility is still up and running, and people are maintaining good health," Glenn said.
The gym had been closed for a month and a half to abide with North Carolina's stay-at-home order to stop the spread of COVID-19.
If you are a business owner, you have to understand that every day you are shut down is a day you don't know if you'll be able to reopen back up," he said.
Glenn requested to receive an essential business designation with the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
"By having that meal prep company, it caters to a lot of people with special dietary needs: high blood pressure, diverticulitis, diabetes, vegetarians, and vegans," he said.
In addition, the certified sports nutritionist said he provides supplements for clients working out often and people with vitamin deficiencies. Furthermore, he said he provides personalized workouts for people post-surgery.
On Tuesday, the Department of Revenue sent Glenn a letter granting Hollywood Fit an essential business designation.
Client Keleigh Ratliff missed the gym while it was closed. She joined Hollywood Fit to prevent chronic disease.
"It has given me a little bit of sanity back and I'm able to get my meals back on track," Ratliff said.
Glenn said after reopening on May 1, no more than 10 people have been inside at the same time.
"With 100 and something members, you won't see a whole rush of people coming in, so the crowds stay down," Glenn said.
Social distancing and one-hour-workout limits are now the new norm at the facility but Ratliff doesn't mind having those rules.
"Whatever we have to do so that he can remain open and in business, we are fine with," she said.
According to Glenn, if someone tests positive for COVID-19 at the gym, he will close it down and re-evaluate how to move forward.