CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Running a marathon is no easy task. But throw adrenal insufficiency into the mix, and you have quite the hurdle.

Brian Hacker has had adrenal insufficiency since he was two weeks old. Essentially, his adrenal glands don’t make enough cortisol which causes fatigue, muscle loss, and can make gaining weight difficult.

Hacker takes medication to get the cortisol he needs and has always been active. But now that he decided to run marathons, he has to put in some extra medical legwork.

He consulted his doctor and figured out just how much extra medicine he needs to take to replenish his body. He also keeps a device similar to an epi pen that can give him an emergency dose.

Hacker’s online blog documents the good, the bad, and the ugly through his marathon journey. He said parents of kids with adrenal insufficiency appreciate it.

“’Not only do you excel in what you’re doing and give us hope but you let us know that there are those times when you’re not doing to do well, my child won’t do well’. But the most encouraging thing I get from parents is ‘You provide us hope’,” Hacker said.

Hacker is currently training for the London marathon in April.

You can keep track of his journey on his website.