ROWAN COUNTY, N.C. -- Marlene Johnson will die in prison after a Rowan County court found her guilty of murdering Shirley Pierce in 2013.
Pierce’s family, as well as her fiancé, addressed Johnson in the court room, telling Johnson she destroyed their family and thanking the court for a just sentence.
Pierce’s sister also told Johnson "I wish you well in prison because you do not belong on the streets. You are a threat to society. The sight of you makes me sick to my stomach, knowing what you did."
Investigators also say the sentence was well deserved. “Just thankful for the family of the victim,” says Rowan County Sheriff Kevin Auten. “That this will be another step in closure for them and they can get on healing. Certainly they will never forget losing a loved one like Shirley, but hopefully this is another step in the right direction for the family.”
Johnson was also found guilty of first degree burglary. Hey attorneies say they will be appealing the decision.
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