BOLIVIA -- Brunswick County officials are working on new ways to help keep you safe. Monday morning first responders and dispatchers came together in Bolivia to open a new 911 call center.

Officials said the facility has been in the works since 2012 and is three times larger than their current building. Updated technology includes a new touchscren phone system, Motorola radio system, and equipment that will eventually allow for text to 9-1-1.

"It should cut response times, what we're trying to get is more reliable equipment. Get it to the point where we can keep up with the need in the growing county. The biggest thing is to make sure we have the space for all of our tele-communicators to sit and that we can grow into all of it," said Brian Ross, E911 Database/GIS Specialist.

The new call center will go live Wednesday. Officials do not expect there to be any interruptions in service during that time.