NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. — Did you know that you can learn about bird populations, habitats and even migration patterns simply by counting the birds that you see? That’s the thought behind the North Carolina Bird Count event, which invites everyone to look at the sky.

What You Need To Know

The North Carolina Bird Count is part of a worldwide bird count event called the Great Backyard Bird Watch

Those participating look for birds, identify them and send the information into eBird by Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Anyone can participate in the statewide and global event

Morgan Freese, a virtual programs coordinator at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, has always loved birds.

Morgan Freese, who works for the N.C. Aquarium at Fort Fisher, keeps an eye out for birds. (Photo: Natalie Mooney)

“I have been a lover of birds ever since I was really little,” Freese said. “My mom would put out bird feeders in our backyard, and we would watch the cardinals together and the sparrows and all of the birds interacting and just being so energetic and colorful.”

Now, for Freese, watching the birds means so much more than entertainment.

“Birds are a great indicator of what’s going on in our wider environments, and volunteers counting birds since the 1900s have been a huge part of understanding the stories of birds so that we’re able to track which ones are in need,” Freese said. “Like learning that bluebirds were becoming really threatened in the 1960s and 1970s and then tracked their recovery as well when our conservation efforts helped, so now you can count bluebirds today, they’re all around!”

Now Freese, and people from all over the state, can look at the skies and in their own backyards to help other birds like the bluebirds.

“The North Carolina Bird Count is part of a worldwide project called the Great Backyard Bird Count, and it’s actually starting today and going through the end of the day Monday,” Freese said. “It is a project for volunteers and bird lovers all across the world to count the birds we see to help understand how bird populations are changing and how we can best protect them.”

Morgan Freese keeps an eye out for birds. (Photo: Natalie Mooney)

It’s something anyone can participate in, even first-time bird watchers. All you have to do is visit this site, download the app and submit all of your information there. 

It’s a fun, great way to learn more about the birds right in your backyard while also keeping bird populations healthy.  

Morgan Freese IDs a bird using an app. (Photo: Natalie Mooney)

“Our goal is to get as many people in our community excited about learning which birds are our neighbors right here in the Wilmington and New Hanover area,” Freeze said. “So that we all are more aware of their needs and the ways in which we can help and protect them in our own spaces.”

The Aquarium at Fort Fisher will host a special event for the bird count this weekend where participants will get a hands-on demonstration of how to identify the birds using identifying apps and also get some time to look at the birds who have made their home surrounding the area.

If you would like to learn more about the Great Backyard Bird Count you can click here.

If you would like more information on North Carolina’s participation in this global event and how to participate in the Aquarium at Fort Fisher’s special event you can click here.