The Alamance-Burlington School System was forced to delay the start of their school year a second time. This year, six more schools were found to have toxic mold.

What You Need To Know

  • 10,830 students qualify for free lunches for this 2023 school year

  • According to Feed N.C., just over 1.5 million people are struggling with hunger

  • More than 460,000 of those are children

Students attending school in the Alamance-Burlington School System started school on Sept. 11. Since school was delayed, the district offered free “grab-and-go” lunch and breakfast options for the students. 

For single parents like Nicole Davis, the meals go a long way. 

“With my son being out of school, it’s a little rough and tight with money. However, with these guys providing us meals — for us — it’s like a big relief because we don’t have to struggle as much,” Davis said. “With my son being out of school, it’s a little rough and tight with money. However, with these guys providing us meals — for us — it’s like a big relief because we don’t have to struggle as much,” Davis said. 

Alamance County’s food insecurity rate was 11.4% and the county’s child food insecurity rate was 15.3%, according to 2021 Feeding America data.

At Newlin Elementary school, the line for picking up the food stretched out to the parking lot.

Lacey Moody and her boys stopped by after swimming at the pool.

“The free lunches really help, especially since the kids aren’t in school. That’s been going on two weeks now and since everything’s so expensive,” Moody said.

Moody is a stay-at-home mom because of her youngest son, but she couldn’t help but think of people who aren’t able to pick up lunches. 

“Especially the people that do have jobs and have to take off to stay home with their kids. I’m sure that’s a very big impact, you know, especially financially and losing out on money,” she said. "It’s just a hardship."