ST. LOUIS COUNTY – The 10 recipients for the Housing Resource Commission Fiscal Year 2025 grant, totaling $444,383.43, was announced by the St. Louis County Department of Human Services.

The 10 recipients will be able to support crucial services for those facing homelessness or imminent risk of homelessness in the county. 

“These awards reflect St. Louis County’s ongoing commitment to addressing homelessness and providing essential resources to those in need,” said Ambur Banner, director of human services. “We are proud to partner with these outstanding agencies to deliver life-changing services to our community.”

The grant will fund emergency shelter, coordinated entry, rapid rehousing, and street outreach, aiming to provide a comprehensive support for vulnerable families and people. 

Grant award recipients:

  • Covenant House for street outreach

  • Employment Connection for rapid rehousing

  • United Way of Greater St. Louis for coordinated entry

  • Gateway Homeless Services, Inc. for emergency shelter provider

  • Loaves and Fishes for St. Louis for emergency shelter provider

  • Our Lady’s Inn for emergency shelter provider

  • Peter and Paul Community Services for emergency shelter provider

  • Room at the Inn for emergency shelter provider

  • Salvation Army for emergency shelter provider

  • Women’s Safe House for emergency shelter provider