ST. LOUIS–Car thefts are still a concern across the St. Louis area and officials are asking for your help in cracking down on the crimes. Hyundai and Kia thefts soared in 2022, up 1000% from 2021 and police say the thefts of those vehicles is still a concern. 

What You Need To Know

  • St. Louis County's North Precinct said it saw 100 car thefts in January, the most of any part of the county

  • In 2022, the thefts of Hyundais and Kias shot up 1000% over 2021. 70 Hyundais and 55 Kias were reportedly stolen during 2021. In 2022, police say it was 710 Hyundais and 755 Kias

  • The St. Louis County Police Department has been frequently conducting special enforcements to target theft throughout its patrol area 

Capt. Tony Cavaletti with the North County Precinct of the St. Louis County Police says this is one of the biggest problems in his area. He says there were more than 100 stolen vehicles in his precinct in January, the most of anywhere in the county. 

“Vehicles are stolen from the street, from parking lots, from driveways, and recently we are seeing more stolen from gas station lots,” explained Capt. Cavaletti. “We are actively trying to stop this trend.”

The St. Louis County Police Department has been frequently conducting special enforcements to target theft throughout its patrol area. A recent one in the Central Precinct, where vehicle thefts are reportedly up slightly, resulted in officers seizing illegal drugs and making several arrests. 

While Capt. Cavaletti says these details deter many thefts from happening, officers can’t stop them all and need the public’s help in making it more difficult for criminals. 

He’s asking residents to keep a lookout in their own neighborhoods. 

“If you see a vehicle parked in an unoccupied residence please call. Many of the stolen vehicles that are parked at these locations so the criminal can use it multiple times,” explained Capt. Cavaletti in his February Captain’s Report for the department.

There has been a rise in the thefts of Kias and Hyundais in the last year and it’s still a popular trend, according to St. Louis County Police. Many of the vehicles are missing a key anti-theft device, an issue that was exploited on social media and led to rampant theft of the cars.

St. Louis County Police told Spectrum News 70 Hyundais and 55 Kias were reportedly stolen during 2021. The combine numbers jumped more than 1000% in 2022, with 710 Hyundais and 755 Kias stolen. 

St. Louis County Police also say there is an uptick in vehicles being stolen from gas stations in several parts of the county. Capt. Cavaletti is reminding drivers to lock their doors while they are pumping gas. He also said leaving your children in the car is not a deterrent for criminals. 

“If you plan on sitting in your vehicle, be aware of your surroundings. Criminals could still approach and steal your vehicle. And most criminals are armed,” explained Capt. Cavaletti in a February Captain’s Report for the department.

The department suggests people hide items in their cars, lock their doors and not to leave your car unattended while it is warming up. 

There are software updates available for Kias and Hyundais to help prevent thefts. Anti-theft devices are being offer at several precincts. You can contact the North County precinct for more information.