HONOLULU — The City and County of Honolulu has contracted with Sandwich Isle Pest Solutions to offer a new “cage and disposal service” to help private property owners tackle the issue of feral chickens at a reduced cost, according to a news release.

Property owners of all types can contact the city’s pest control vendor by calling 808-456-7716 or visiting Sandwich Isle Pest Solution’s website to request service.

“The cage and disposal service for private property owners is our latest effort to identify and support comprehensive solutions to helping control the feral chicken population on Oahu,” said the city’s Department of Customer Service Director Kim Hashiro in the release.

In years prior, the city’s pest control vendor only removed feral chickens from city-owned properties such as parks and municipal golf courses.

The new service for private property owners is in response to complaints about feral chickens crowing at all hours, creating noise nuisances, posing health concerns with their waste, damaging landscape with foraging, and agitating pets.